Joseph’s father and his family ran out of food.
1Jacob [Israel] found out that there was grain in Egypt. So he said to his sons. “Why do you just keep looking at each other?” 2He continued, “I’ve heard there’s grain in Egypt. Go down there. Buy some for us. Then we’ll live and not die.” 3So ten of Joseph’s brothers went down to Egypt to buy grain there.
Joseph saw his brothers. He recognised them, but they did not recognise him. Joseph tested them several times. Then he invited them to his house.
It must have been hard for Joseph to show love to his brothers. They had been mean to him. Has someone been mean to you? You can show that person God’s love.
How can you show God’s love? Share something of yours. Say something kind. Let that person play with you. Choose one way to show God’s love this week.
You can pray like this:
Dear God, (tell Him about the mean person.) Help me do something good for (name). In Jesus’ name. Amen.