Obey God’s Rules
Exodus 20:13-17

13“Do not commit murder. 14“Do not commit adultery. 15“Do not steal. 16“Do not give false witness [lie] against your neighbor. 17“Do not long for anything that belongs to your neighbor. Do not long for your neighbor’s house, wife, male or female servant, ox or donkey.”

God had more rules for His people. He knew what would help them. They could live together and be safe and happy.



God’s rules are important. They help you get along with others. When you obey God, He is pleased. Jesus said, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching” (John 14:23).

People will know you love God when you obey Him. Choose one of God’s rules that is hard for you. Write that rule down and read it every day. Ask God to help you obey this week.


You can pray like this:

Dear God, help me to obey you. I want the things I do to show others that I love you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.